Have questions about our work? Our FAQs have clear answers – but if you need something more, reach out and let us know! We’re here to help.

Arborist professionals are skilled experts in the field of tree care. They use their knowledge and experience to provide health assessment for trees as well as safe pruning or removal services. Unfortunately, this industry is largely unregulated, leading to amateur workers getting involved with potentially dangerous tasks such as climbing and chopping down large trunks and can inadvertently cause irreparable damage to trees. This makes it important for home-owners to do research into companies’ reviews and references first!
Tree Legged Men are fully equipped and insured to handle any of your tree care needs. Our industry specific Public Liability coverage ensures that, in the unlikely event of an accident, property damage or injuries will be taken care of swiftly.
It is important to be aware of the specific rules and regulations applicable to tree removals on private property in Victoria, as non-compliance can result in hefty fines. Tree Legged Men understands these complexities and will advise you how to stay within your local council’s guidelines.
Clients often face difficult decisions when it comes to clearing their landscape. Do they want us to take away all the branches, logs or mulch? The answer varies – we tailor our solutions around what best meets each individual’s needs. At Tree Legged Men, we understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to tree care. Whether you’re looking for firewood logs, mulch for the garden bed or a complete removal of debris – our services are completely flexible and tailored to your individual needs. We are happy to discuss your needs on an individual basis.